The Role of Colonoscopy in Screening for Colorectal Cancer

The Role of Colonoscopy in Screening for Colorectal Cancer

Everyone wants to look and feel healthy, especially as they get older. As you age, you must be even more attuned to what you need to experience continued optimal health and wellness. One test for older adults is a colonoscopy, which examines the colon and digestive tract for abnormalities, including colorectal cancer. Let Dr. Ralph Alhalel and his team at Rio Grande Gastroenterology in McAllen, TX, help you get your gastrointestinal health on track with a colonoscopy.

About Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer, is a condition that affects as many as 1.9 million people each year, according to the World Health Organization. It causes cancerous cells to develop inside the colon, part of the large intestine. Colon cancer is highly treatable in its early stages. Still, many patients do not experience symptoms at that point, so doctors strongly recommend testing for patients over 45. When symptoms do occur, they include constipation, diarrhea, constant stomach pains, drastic weight loss, bloody stools, and unexplained fatigue.

How a Colonoscopy Screens for Colon Cancer

A colonoscopy is the test that doctors use to diagnose colorectal cancer. It involves the insertion of a tube into the rectum that takes video footage of the inside of the digestive tract. The doctor can check for polyps or potentially cancerous growths during the exam and, in some cases, remove them during the test.

What To Expect for a Colonoscopy Appointment

Before a scheduled colonoscopy, your McAllen, TX, gastroenterologist will provide detailed preparation instructions. You must take fluids that will help you clear your colon for the test and avoid eating solid foods for a certain period of time before the appointment (only clear liquids). The doctor will administer anesthesia that will allow you to rest comfortably during the colonoscopy, and you will wake up with little to no discomfort. You must ask a trusted loved one to transport you safely to and from the doctor’s office.

Schedule a Colonoscopy Today

You are right to be concerned and curious about what can help you stay healthy as you age. In addition to doing your own research about colorectal cancer and colonoscopy tests, ask for help and advice from Dr. Ralph Alhalel at Rio Grande Gastroenterology in McAllen, TX. Call (956) 661-9300 today for an appointment.